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Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Pesona hibrid Lumix GF-1
KECIL, mudah digunakan dengan lensa yang mempunyai pusingan fokus yang laju antara kehebatan yang ada pada hibrid kamera lensa tunggal refleks digital (DSLR), Panasonic Lumix GF-1.
Walaupun Panasonic baru sahaja mengumumkan dua kamera yang menggunakan teknologi Micro Four Thirds sejak dua tahun kebelakangan, reka bentuk serta teknologi yang diperkenalkan melalui Lumix GF-1 membuatkan konsumer mahu Panasonic meneruskan pembangunan teknologi kamera hibrid itu.
Walaupun pada ketika saingan terdekat yang juga rakan industri, Olympus memperkenalkan hibrid mereka EP-1, Panasonic nampaknya tidak gusar.
Ini berikutan, Lumix GF-1 yang sarat dengan teknologi masa kini mempunyai kelas yang tersendiri dan tanpa perlu bersaing dengan apa yang disediakan pada EP-1.
Malah, pelancaran Olympus EP-2 baru-baru ini juga tidak menggugat prestasi semasa Lumix GF-1 menurut kata pengguna hibrid DSLR ini.
Apa yang pasti, Lumix GF-1 mampu terus bertahan dalam tempoh dua tiga tahun sebelum model baru dikeluarkan.
Ini berikutan, ciri-ciri yang dipertingkatkan pada Lumix GF-1 masih tidak dapat ‘dilawan’ oleh EP-1 atau EP-2 di mana lensa dengan fokus yang lebih laju memberikan trademark utama Lumix GF-1.
Turut didatangkan dengan lensa kit Pancake 20mm F1.7 atau 14-45mm F3.5 - 5.6 O.I.S., untuk Lumix GF-1 berada dalam kelas tersendiri.
Selain itu pengenalan flash bina dalam yang kini membuatkan jurutera Olympus ‘pecah kepala’ memikirkan cara untuk mereka bentuk hibrid mereka, menjadikan Lumix GF-1, satu-satunya hibrid DSLR lengkap tanpa sebarang pilihan aksesori tambahan.
Menjadi pelopor penilik pandangan elektronik (LVF), penggunaan aksesori tambahan ini mampu memberikan pandangan 202,000 dot dengan 60 pusingan sesaat dan sedikit pembesaran sekitar 1.04x.
Walaupun Panasonic baru sahaja mengumumkan dua kamera yang menggunakan teknologi Micro Four Thirds sejak dua tahun kebelakangan, reka bentuk serta teknologi yang diperkenalkan melalui Lumix GF-1 membuatkan konsumer mahu Panasonic meneruskan pembangunan teknologi kamera hibrid itu.
Walaupun pada ketika saingan terdekat yang juga rakan industri, Olympus memperkenalkan hibrid mereka EP-1, Panasonic nampaknya tidak gusar.
Ini berikutan, Lumix GF-1 yang sarat dengan teknologi masa kini mempunyai kelas yang tersendiri dan tanpa perlu bersaing dengan apa yang disediakan pada EP-1.
Malah, pelancaran Olympus EP-2 baru-baru ini juga tidak menggugat prestasi semasa Lumix GF-1 menurut kata pengguna hibrid DSLR ini.
Apa yang pasti, Lumix GF-1 mampu terus bertahan dalam tempoh dua tiga tahun sebelum model baru dikeluarkan.
Ini berikutan, ciri-ciri yang dipertingkatkan pada Lumix GF-1 masih tidak dapat ‘dilawan’ oleh EP-1 atau EP-2 di mana lensa dengan fokus yang lebih laju memberikan trademark utama Lumix GF-1.
Turut didatangkan dengan lensa kit Pancake 20mm F1.7 atau 14-45mm F3.5 - 5.6 O.I.S., untuk Lumix GF-1 berada dalam kelas tersendiri.
Selain itu pengenalan flash bina dalam yang kini membuatkan jurutera Olympus ‘pecah kepala’ memikirkan cara untuk mereka bentuk hibrid mereka, menjadikan Lumix GF-1, satu-satunya hibrid DSLR lengkap tanpa sebarang pilihan aksesori tambahan.
Menjadi pelopor penilik pandangan elektronik (LVF), penggunaan aksesori tambahan ini mampu memberikan pandangan 202,000 dot dengan 60 pusingan sesaat dan sedikit pembesaran sekitar 1.04x.
Lebih menarik, LVF Lumix GF-1 ini juga mampu ditolak ke atas bagi membolehkan pengguna merakamkan gambar dari sudut yang sukar.
Reka bentuk yang menarik, elegan serta mudah dikendalikan menjadikan Lumix GF-1 antara rebutan jurufoto amatur mahupun profesional.
Dengan berat 456 gram, ia menjadi kamera gantian kepada jurufoto profesional untuk bantuan jika sesuatu terjadi kepada kamera utama mereka sewaktu melakukan tugasan penting.
Ini berikutan, Lumix GF-1 walaupun kecil menggunakan sensor Micro Four Thirds yang memberikan 12.1 megapiksel efektif.
Selain itu, pengenalan butang satu sentuh rakaman video definisi tinggi (HD) juga memberikan kelebihan kepada pengguna tanpa perlu menukar dail ke rakaman video yang mampu merakamkan HD 1280 x 720.
Sehingga kini, Lumix GF-1 mampu menggunakan 6 lensa Micro Four Thirds Lumix G sedia ada yang lebih kecil dan ringan berbanding lensa konvensional yang lain.
Malah, Lumix GF-1 juga turut boleh menggunakan lensa Leica DG dan lensa Olympus tanpa perlu menggunakan pemadan.
Lebih menarik, pengguna Lumix GF-1 juga turut boleh menggunakan lensa Leica D, Sigma dan Olympus Four Thirds dengan pemadan DMW-MA1 manakala pemadan MA2M dan MA3R mampu memberikan kebebasan untuk menggunakan lensa Leica M atau R.
Apa pun, dengan perlumbaan hibrid DSLR sekarang, Panasonic akan mengeluarkan tiga lagi lagi lensa Micro Four Thirds baru untuk tahun hadapan di mana menyaksikan 100-300mm F4-5.6 OIS, 8mm F3.5 fisheye dan 14mm F2.8 bakal menjadi rebutan pengguna Lumix GF-1.
Layari untuk sebarang informasi terkini Lumix GF-1.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Lensa mewah di kamera kompak
BAGI peminat fotografi, Leica merupakan antara nama lensa atau kamera yang menjadi idaman untuk dimiliki. Ini berikutan kejituan dan ketajaman imej serta kilauan warna menarik yang dihasilkan menjadikan ia satu jenama prestij yang menjadi idaman jurufoto.
Namun disebabkan harga serta nilai yang terlalu tinggi jenama optikal Leica hasil idea Oskar Barnack yang memasuki pasaran konsumer pada tahun 1925, hanya yang mampu sahaja dapat memilikinya.
Apa pun kini, ia tidak lagi menjadi hanya satu impian kerana Panasonic, gergasi peralatan elektrik konsumer global yang kini giat mempromosikan peralatan audio visual mereka menjadikan lensa Leica sebagai lensa utama semua produk kamera kompak keluaran mereka.
Ini membuatkan ramai yang terkejut kerana jenama itu kini hanya diletakkan pada kamera kompak dan dijual dengan harga yang amat berpatutan. Namun perbezaan harga yang tinggi tetap ada.
Sebagai contoh, kamera Leica D-Lux 4 yang mempunyai kapasiti, bentuk dan kemampuan yang serupa dengan Panasonic LX-3 mempunyai perbezaan harga dua kali ganda.
Ini merupakan aspek subjektif. Bagi peminat dan pengguna Leica, mereka akan mengatakan ada perbezaan antara kedua-dua kamera, namun hakikatnya ketika penulis bertanyakan sendiri kepada jurutera Audio Visual Digital Panasonic di Osaka, mereka mengatakan kedua-dua kamera berkenaan dibuat dan ‘dilahirkan’ di Jepun dan sama.
Rangka, badan, enjin dan juga lensa direka bentuk dan dihasilkan secara besar-besaran di Jepun.
Namun apa yang pasti, D-Lux 4 dipaksa melalui perjalanan yang agak panjang kerana ia perlu ia dihantar ke Jerman untuk melalui pemeriksaan terperinci sebelum dipasarkan.
Yang nyata, hasil yang diperoleh melalui kedua-dua kamera itu adalah sama tanpa banyak perbezaan.
Ini membuatkan ramai yang terkejut kerana jenama itu kini hanya diletakkan pada kamera kompak dan dijual dengan harga yang amat berpatutan. Namun perbezaan harga yang tinggi tetap ada.
Sebagai contoh, kamera Leica D-Lux 4 yang mempunyai kapasiti, bentuk dan kemampuan yang serupa dengan Panasonic LX-3 mempunyai perbezaan harga dua kali ganda.
Ini merupakan aspek subjektif. Bagi peminat dan pengguna Leica, mereka akan mengatakan ada perbezaan antara kedua-dua kamera, namun hakikatnya ketika penulis bertanyakan sendiri kepada jurutera Audio Visual Digital Panasonic di Osaka, mereka mengatakan kedua-dua kamera berkenaan dibuat dan ‘dilahirkan’ di Jepun dan sama.
Rangka, badan, enjin dan juga lensa direka bentuk dan dihasilkan secara besar-besaran di Jepun.
Namun apa yang pasti, D-Lux 4 dipaksa melalui perjalanan yang agak panjang kerana ia perlu ia dihantar ke Jerman untuk melalui pemeriksaan terperinci sebelum dipasarkan.
Yang nyata, hasil yang diperoleh melalui kedua-dua kamera itu adalah sama tanpa banyak perbezaan.
Gambar ehsan:
Pengiktirafan Leica Camera AG kepada Panasonic Corporation terhasil pada tahun 1997 selepas satu perjanjian teknikal dan kualiti lensa kamera video dimeterai.
Perjanjian itu memberi kebenaran kepada Panasonic untuk menghasilkan secara besar-besaran lensa optikal menggunakan teknologi Leica.
Menariknya, sinergi itu menyaksikan produk pertama dikeluarkan pada Oktober 2001 dan Panasonic terus berusaha untuk bertapak sebagai pengeluar utama dunia lensa separa sfera ketepatan tinggi termasuk menggunakan label Leica.
Lensa jenis ini bukan hanya memberikan rakaman imej tanpa penyimpangan, malah lensa itu dihasilkan lebih kecil berbanding lensa konvensional lain.
Teknologi ini yang membuatkan Leica tambah percaya kepada Panasonic yang turut berjaya menghasilkan teknologi ketepatan sub-mikron dan teknologi pengeluaran besar-besaran yang sebenarnya diinginkan oleh Leica.
Menariknya, satu teknologi lagi yang dikenali sebagai Kotak Hitam Yamagata dihasilkan daripada idea penguasa kilang Panasonic di Yamagata, Osamu Yuuki membuatkan kolaborasi antara Panasonic dan Leica bertambah erat.
Perjanjian itu memberi kebenaran kepada Panasonic untuk menghasilkan secara besar-besaran lensa optikal menggunakan teknologi Leica.
Menariknya, sinergi itu menyaksikan produk pertama dikeluarkan pada Oktober 2001 dan Panasonic terus berusaha untuk bertapak sebagai pengeluar utama dunia lensa separa sfera ketepatan tinggi termasuk menggunakan label Leica.
Lensa jenis ini bukan hanya memberikan rakaman imej tanpa penyimpangan, malah lensa itu dihasilkan lebih kecil berbanding lensa konvensional lain.
Teknologi ini yang membuatkan Leica tambah percaya kepada Panasonic yang turut berjaya menghasilkan teknologi ketepatan sub-mikron dan teknologi pengeluaran besar-besaran yang sebenarnya diinginkan oleh Leica.
Menariknya, satu teknologi lagi yang dikenali sebagai Kotak Hitam Yamagata dihasilkan daripada idea penguasa kilang Panasonic di Yamagata, Osamu Yuuki membuatkan kolaborasi antara Panasonic dan Leica bertambah erat.
Teknologi Kotak Hitam yang tidak didedahkan dengan terperinci pada lawatan itu membolehkan proses pemanasan semula dan acuan lensa dilakukan dengan hanya menekan satu butang.
Ketika dibawa melawat kilang, penulis melihat sendiri apa yang dikatakan Teknologi Kotak Hitam Yamagata. Sistem yang mudah dengan cara kerja yang jitu berjaya menghasilkan lensa ketepatan tinggi untuk kamera kompak Panasonic, Lumix termasuklah lensa Leica yang dikenali sebagai Leica DC khas untuk kamera kompak digital dan lensa refleks tunggal Micro Four Thirds.
Mungkin ada peminat Leica yang tidak percaya dengan situasi ini, namun itulah hakikatnya di mana, lensa model DC Vario-Summicron, DC Vario-Elmarit, and DC Vario-Elmar dihasilkan di Yamagata, yang terletak di utara Tokyo.
Yamagata sebenarnya antara wilayah tercantik di Jepun yang masih mengekalkan keindahan semula jadi namun tidak membelakangkan kemodenan dalam infrastruktur serta budaya.
Menurut Yuuki, keaslian serta kebersihan Yamagata menjadikan mereka wilayah yang terkenal dengan penghasilan lensa optikal di mana bahan mentah termasuk kaca kualiti tinggi diperoleh di Yamagata sendiri.
“Kaca-kaca kualiti tinggi ini kebanyakannya kami peroleh daripada Yamagata selain dari mana-mana wilayah di Jepun, namun ada juga sebahagian kaca kami import dari luar bergantung kepada keperluan.
“Tapi apa yang penting, selain kualiti kaca, Teknologi Kotak Hitam yang kami bangunkan membuatkan semua lensa yang dihasilkan memberi keputusan imej yang baik,” katanya.
Sehingga kini, kilang Panasonic di Yamagata ini sudah menghasilkan kira-kira 5 bilion lensa yang kini sedang digunakan di seluruh dunia.
“Semuanya berkaitan. Jika kita hanya ada lensa yang baik namun laras lensa yang kurang tepat, ia tidak mampu menghasilkan imej yang baik.
“Lapisan lensa juga memainkan peranan yang penting dan itu menjadi keutamaan kami di sini. Lensa Lumix dan lensa Leica DC dihasilkan dengan ketepatan, teknologi dan juga lapisan yang sama melalui barisan pengeluaran yang sama.
“Sebab itu kami yakin sama ada peminat foto menggunakan lensa Lumix atau Leica DC, ia akan menghasilkan kualiti imej yang sama.
“Cuma bagi semua lensa Leica DC, ia akan dihantar ke Jerman untuk pemeriksaan terperinci oleh Leica Camera AG di Jerman sebelum ia mampu dipasarkan,” kata Yuuki lagi.
Di kilang itu menurut Yuuki, mereka mempunyai satu standard yang perlu diikuti dalam menghasilkan mana-mana lensa.
Ini termasuk memastikan setiap satu lensa yang dihasilkan berkualiti tinggi dengan proses lapisan berganda yang mampu melenyapkan silau matahari.
Lensa yang dihasilkan juga tidak boleh terpesong termasuk tidak mempunyai penyimpangan imej ketika rakaman.
“Ini merupakan penyelesaian keseluruhan sejak dari penghasilan reka bentuk hingga ke pengeluaran,” kata Yuuki.
Menurut Yuuki juga, penghasilan lensa di Kilang Panasonic Yamagata itu bukan hanya untuk Lumix dan Leica semata-mata malah, mereka turut membekalkan lensa kualiti tinggi kepada beberapa pengeluar gergasi kamera di dunia tanpa mahu memberitahu syarikat mana.
Mengulas mengenai kejayaan yang dihasilkan di Kilang itu, Yuuki turut berkata, mereka mengutamakan kepuasan pekerja seiring dengan kepuasan pelanggan.
“Pekerja merupakan aset yang penting kepada Panasonic untuk membolehkan sasaran pengeluaran kita tercapai.
“Dan mereka juga adalah penguji kita di mana setiap daripada mereka akan menggunakan kamera Lumix untuk menghasilkan imej dan boleh menyertai pertandingan foto yang kilang anjurkan,” katanya.
Selain lensa kualiti tinggi yang dikeluarkan di situ, Kilang Panasonic Yamagata turut mengeluarkan unit laras lensa, lensa video dan juga kad memori SD.
Untuk pengetahuan, Panasonic merupakan antara pengeluar kad memori SD terbesar dunia yang mempunyai kapasiti sehingga 32 gigabit (GB).
Malah sumber syarikat turut mengatakan, mereka kini dalam proses untuk menghasilkan kad memori SD 1 terabit (TB), antara kapasiti paling tinggi dalam industri.
Menariknya, dalam perlumbaan menghasilkan produk berkualiti tinggi, kilang ini mematuhi pematuhan arahan sekatan bahan kimia berbahaya (RoHS) Kesatuan Eropah yang turut seiringan dengan prinsip Eco Ideas Panasonic untuk menghasilkan produk hijau.
Ketika ditanya siapa yang mengikut siapa dari segi teknologi lensa kamera kompak digital, Yuuki sambil tersenyum mengatakan: “Leica yang mengikut Panasonic.”
Ini termasuk memastikan setiap satu lensa yang dihasilkan berkualiti tinggi dengan proses lapisan berganda yang mampu melenyapkan silau matahari.
Lensa yang dihasilkan juga tidak boleh terpesong termasuk tidak mempunyai penyimpangan imej ketika rakaman.
“Ini merupakan penyelesaian keseluruhan sejak dari penghasilan reka bentuk hingga ke pengeluaran,” kata Yuuki.
Menurut Yuuki juga, penghasilan lensa di Kilang Panasonic Yamagata itu bukan hanya untuk Lumix dan Leica semata-mata malah, mereka turut membekalkan lensa kualiti tinggi kepada beberapa pengeluar gergasi kamera di dunia tanpa mahu memberitahu syarikat mana.
Mengulas mengenai kejayaan yang dihasilkan di Kilang itu, Yuuki turut berkata, mereka mengutamakan kepuasan pekerja seiring dengan kepuasan pelanggan.
“Pekerja merupakan aset yang penting kepada Panasonic untuk membolehkan sasaran pengeluaran kita tercapai.
“Dan mereka juga adalah penguji kita di mana setiap daripada mereka akan menggunakan kamera Lumix untuk menghasilkan imej dan boleh menyertai pertandingan foto yang kilang anjurkan,” katanya.
Selain lensa kualiti tinggi yang dikeluarkan di situ, Kilang Panasonic Yamagata turut mengeluarkan unit laras lensa, lensa video dan juga kad memori SD.
Untuk pengetahuan, Panasonic merupakan antara pengeluar kad memori SD terbesar dunia yang mempunyai kapasiti sehingga 32 gigabit (GB).
Malah sumber syarikat turut mengatakan, mereka kini dalam proses untuk menghasilkan kad memori SD 1 terabit (TB), antara kapasiti paling tinggi dalam industri.
Menariknya, dalam perlumbaan menghasilkan produk berkualiti tinggi, kilang ini mematuhi pematuhan arahan sekatan bahan kimia berbahaya (RoHS) Kesatuan Eropah yang turut seiringan dengan prinsip Eco Ideas Panasonic untuk menghasilkan produk hijau.
Ketika ditanya siapa yang mengikut siapa dari segi teknologi lensa kamera kompak digital, Yuuki sambil tersenyum mengatakan: “Leica yang mengikut Panasonic.”
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Olympus EP-2 perlumbaan DSLR hibrid
BARU lima bulan selepas pelancaran hibrid pertama kamera refleks tunggal digital (DSLR) hibrid, EP-1, Olympus seolah-olah tidak sabar untuk menyaingi rakan terdekat Panasonic dengan melancarkan pula EP-2 dengan hanya beberapa penambahbaikan.
Bagi yang ‘terbeli’ EP-1, janganlah khuatir kerana EP-2 hanya mengalami perubahan kosmetik sementara enjin dan juga keupayaan kamera masih di tahap yang sama dengan EP-1. yang paling ketara ialah warnanya yang dikembalikan kepada warna konvensional kamera DSLR, hitam.
Penulis pernah menyatakan kepada jurutera Olympus kenapa hibrid mereka menggunakan warna putih dan jawapan yang penulis terima adalah kerana Olympus mahukan situasi elegan pada kamera terbaru mereka.
Namun dalam tempoh lima bulan termasuk pelancaran hibrid DSLR Panasonic GF-1 yang lebih konvensional, Olympus nampaknya terpaksa menurut kata pengguna dengan mewujudkan warna hitam pada EP-2 yang turut menggunakan format Micro Four Thirds.
Penukaran kosmetik yang paling ketara ialah penggunaan penilik pandangan masa sebenar elektronik (LVF) yang disambungkan dengan satu soket di atas paparan LCD.
Jika sebelum ini, Olympus hanya memperkenalkan penilik pandangan tanpa elektronik namun selepas Panasonic GF-1 memperkenalkan terlebih dahulu LVF, nampaknya sekali lagi Olympus terpaksa mengikut kehendak pengguna.
Apa pun, kelebihan kepada LVF Olympus, ia turut boleh disambung kepada mikrofon luar yang mempunyai keupayaan merakamkan bunyi stereo, satu kelebihan yang gagal dimanfaatkan oleh Panasonic ketika mereka bentuk GF-1.
Dan LVF EP-2 ini juga mampu ditolak ke atas bagi memudahkan pengguna merakamkan gambar dari sudut rendah tanpa melihat LCD.
Dalaman EP-2 ini pula terus dilengkapi dengan kapasiti 12.3 megapiksel termasuk sensor ISO sehingga 6400.
Dan seperti biasa dan kini sudah menjadi trademark Olympus, mereka turut melengkapkan EP-2 dengan penuras seni terbaru iaitu Diorama dan Cross Process.
Menariknya penuras seni Diorama ini jika digunakan akan menyebabkan imej yang dirakamkan seolah-olah menjadi semacam gambaran 3D.
Sementara Cross Process pula akan menyebabkan imej bertukar ke warna yang agak terang dan berlainan daripada warna imej asal.
Penggunaan penuras seni ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada pengguna yang tidak mahu menyunting imej menggunakan perisian suntingan yang mampu menyukarkan pengguna jika tidak mempunyai kemahiran.
Lagi satu yang turut disediakan ialah fungsi i-Enhance yang memberikan warna lebih menarik dan terang berbanding realiti.
Yang kurang menarik ialah, fungsi dan penuras seni baru EP-2 ini tidak boleh dikemaskini untuk pengguna EP-1 dan mungkin ia sebagai salah satu daripada strategi jualan.
Malah, EP-1 dan EP-2 akan terus dijual kepada pengguna seiringan.
Olympus juga turut mengumumkan lensa terbaru Micro Four Thirds M.Zuiko Digital ED mereka termasuk 9-18mm (18-36mm format 35mm) f4.0-5.6 dan 14-150mm (28-300mm format 35mm) f4.0-5.6 yang akan berada di pasaran pada suku pertama 2010.
EP-2 bersama LVF akan dijual pada awal Disember dengan harga RM3,799 sementara EP-2, LVF dan lensa kit 14-42mm atau 17mm dijual dengan harga RM3,999.
Pengguna boleh merujuk untuk sebarang maklumat lanjut dan tawaran harga menarik EP-2.
EP-2 dan LVF
Monday, November 9, 2009
How to be an underwater model? (Excerpt from Tarachin MM web)
Originally taken from here . Thank you Tarachin
************ UNDERWATER MODELING TIPS ************
A) Breath holding exercises: This can be done just about anywhere at anytime. Though having good breath holding time helps, it does not make one a good underwater model; many experienced UW models can do more then 10 poses within a 20 second time frame. This does not relate to "Mermaid" models as holding their breath is the first and most important part of their job.
1. Do exercises to increase your lung capacity. While there is no way to increase the size of your lungs, there are many ways to increase the amount of air taken in by your lungs, and the efficiency with which they capture oxygen.
2. Lose weight. Any excess baggage reduces your body's efficiency in using oxygen.
3. Quit smoking. This will considerably increase your lungs' ability to release carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen.
4. Before holding your breath, inhale and exhale slowly from deep within your diaphragm. By doing this, you're ridding your lungs of low-quality air. Spend 5 seconds breathing in and 5 seconds breathing out; do this for two minutes, and be sure that when you exhale, you push out every last "drop" of air.
5. Take a massive gulp of air and hold it. Don't breathe in so much that you're about to pop; fill your lung capacity to 80-85% so that you still have room to relax.
* Always do this with a partner watching, since you can lose consciousness without warning.
* Don't hold air in your cheeks. This method is meant for an air reserve, but you have to "let go" of the air in your lungs if you want to use the air in your cheeks, and exhaling air in your lungs usually gets rid of the reserve in your cheeks. In other words, it's not easy to switch out the air in your lungs and the air in your cheeks without letting both escape. But it can be done.
6. Splash cold water on your face. It's been observed that putting a person's face in contact with cold water triggers bradycardia, or the slowing of the heart rate, which is the first phase of the mammalian diving reflex. You don't need to actually put your entire head underwater, though. You can splash some cold water on your face right before you hold your breath, or try using a cold, wet washcloth (don't use an ice pack, though; the same study suggests that the shock of something too cold triggers other reflexes). Just make sure it's cold enough (21 °C or 70 °F) and the rest of your body is in a relaxed position.
7. Relax every muscle in your body. Meditate so that you can lower your heart rate. Your body will consume less oxygen that way. By closing your eyes, feeling, and focusing on slowing your heart beat, it is possible to lower your heart rate significantly and increase the time you are able to hold your breath for. Concentrate on something that's relaxing to you. When you can't concentrate anymore, distract yourself by doing something with your hands, like counting to 99 with your fingers.
8. Exhale slowly. When you can't hold your breath anymore, try to avoid exhaling all the air in your lungs in a mad rush. First, exhale about 20% of your air, and then inhale again so that oxygen gets to your most critical areas faster. Then you can exhale and inhale completely.
9. Repeat these steps 3-4 times per session. It is not recommended to do this any more, as it could damage your lungs and body. Try one session in the morning and one session at night if you wish. Keep practicing and before you know it, you will be able to hold your breath for several minutes.
Extra tips:
* The urge to breathe is caused by a build up of carbon dioxide in your body, not a lack of oxygen.
* Try not to think about holding your breath. If you think about pleasant things, you're less aware of the breath reflex.
* Restrain yourself from swallowing when you start feeling fatigued. This will slow the increasing desire to surface.
* Never hold your breath underwater during ascent if using pressurized air (like a scuba tank). The expansion of the pressurized air during ascent could rupture your lungs.
* Never hyperventilate! Hyperventilation has many undesirable effects, one of the more dangerous being that it tricks your body into thinking that you have a lot more air than possible, making you pass out without any warning sign. If this happens while submerged and without a buddy, you will most likely die.
* If you feel pain in your chest, exhale, and breathe normally.
* Holding your breath underwater for long periods of time can be very dangerous. Never do it without a buddy!
B) Posing: Having no gravity can mean that one can take their poses to a whole new level. There is no "particular" way to pose underwater as we all have our own way of expressing ourselves. Though the following may help those who are new to the underwater world...
1. Having dance/acrobat background does help but it being able to hold a pose and buoyancy can be harder then it seems. The first thing to learn is how to make your self sink. Letting just enough air out of your lungs but being able to keep enough air that you wont be stuck at the bottom of the pool; you can easily injure yourself by knocking your head, elbows, knees and scraping your feet. The trick is to stay in the middle of the pool; this way you will have the space to do flips and turns without the injury.
2. Don’t stress out/panic! If you feel that you cannot hold a pose, take a break, catch some air and try again. Being uncomfortable in the water will easily show on your poses. Your hands would look tense and the muscles in your body (specially your neck) will pop out like a body builder who just pumped weights...
3. Holding a calm expression: This is honestly the hardest part. Thinking of something that makes you feel at ease or calm always helps. If you can open your eyes in water try not to focus so much on seeing clear, we are not made to see in water... lol... You can always pretend you are above water and just holding your breath, which may work too. But most of all, try not to hold air in your cheeks, squint your eyes or tighten/tense your mouth/lips.
4. Try not to splash around and move too fast in the water. It not only creates surface disturbance which can be a pain when doing reflection work (not to mention getting tired out after the first hour), it also causes your skin to get rippled by the force of the water... believe me, its funny to see the result of it but does nothing for your self confidence; you would look like a squashed prune...
5. Posing with others: This is way harder then doing work alone. If you decide to this then make sure you discuss or choreograph before hand so that you wont be accidentally kicking and hitting each other in the water. Finding a good underwater partner is rare but when you do find him/her you will be inseparable as a pair and your work can be more interesting and expressive.
C) Safety and side effects: The following are some of the most common safety issues, side effects, and problems when doing UW work…
1. Regulating ear pressure: From experience, this can be the most problematic if not done at all or not done properly. I have damaged both of my ears and now have problems hearing clearly, the good news is that your eardrums heal so hearing can and should return to near normal, if damaged. Ear aches are a regular side effect and can be excruciating when swimming... the last thing one needs is to get "swimmers ear" which can cause inner ear infections which in turn can make you very ill... be aware of this always. Even though you may not be a diver, it is important to know this as the same is used for underwater modeling as some pools can be more then 10 feet deep. Here are a few tips that divers use to help regulate ear pressure (taken from a dive site):
Ear Clearing Tips:
* To equalize the pressure in the ear, we pass air through the Eustachian tube into the middle ear. This makes the air pressure in the middle ear the same as the pressure of the water around you. The method used by most divers is the Valsalva maneuver. You can do this by blowing gently against pinched nostrils to equalize ear pressure with that of the water around you. Some divers will equalize by swallowing repeatedly or by moving their jaw side to side. The important thing is to find the method that works for you.
* Relax: Slow, even breathing patterns will help you relax. This also relaxes the muscles around the Eustachian tube and makes in much easier to clear your ears.
* Start to Equalize When You Begin Your Descent: As you make a slow, controlled feet first descent, start equalizing as soon as you feel your head go beneath the surface of the water. Then equalize every 3 feet/1 meter or so until you reach the bottom. Don’t wait until your ears start to hurt. Remember, qualize early and often.
* Ascend If You Can’t Equalize: If you have problems equalizing while you make your descent, ascend a few feet to relieve ear pressure slightly, and then try again. If after a few tries you still cannot get your ears to clear, you should call off the dive to avoid an ear injury.
* Advice from James Wiseman: "Here's a tip for getting water out of your ears and preventing outer ear infections (believe me, I've dove in some funky water - there is actually a GREAT dive site in the Philippines called "basura!")
After each shoot/dive, make up a mix of alcohol and vinegar and drop it into each ear. It will mix with whatever water is in there and the mix will help it flow out - and if it doesn't flow out, the alcohol will help it evaporate. The vinegar kills bacteria.
If you DO get an infection, there are Cipro ear drops that are AWESOME. I had to use it once after diving in Zanzibar..."
1. Do exercises to increase your lung capacity. While there is no way to increase the size of your lungs, there are many ways to increase the amount of air taken in by your lungs, and the efficiency with which they capture oxygen.
2. Lose weight. Any excess baggage reduces your body's efficiency in using oxygen.
3. Quit smoking. This will considerably increase your lungs' ability to release carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen.
4. Before holding your breath, inhale and exhale slowly from deep within your diaphragm. By doing this, you're ridding your lungs of low-quality air. Spend 5 seconds breathing in and 5 seconds breathing out; do this for two minutes, and be sure that when you exhale, you push out every last "drop" of air.
5. Take a massive gulp of air and hold it. Don't breathe in so much that you're about to pop; fill your lung capacity to 80-85% so that you still have room to relax.
* Always do this with a partner watching, since you can lose consciousness without warning.
* Don't hold air in your cheeks. This method is meant for an air reserve, but you have to "let go" of the air in your lungs if you want to use the air in your cheeks, and exhaling air in your lungs usually gets rid of the reserve in your cheeks. In other words, it's not easy to switch out the air in your lungs and the air in your cheeks without letting both escape. But it can be done.
6. Splash cold water on your face. It's been observed that putting a person's face in contact with cold water triggers bradycardia, or the slowing of the heart rate, which is the first phase of the mammalian diving reflex. You don't need to actually put your entire head underwater, though. You can splash some cold water on your face right before you hold your breath, or try using a cold, wet washcloth (don't use an ice pack, though; the same study suggests that the shock of something too cold triggers other reflexes). Just make sure it's cold enough (21 °C or 70 °F) and the rest of your body is in a relaxed position.
7. Relax every muscle in your body. Meditate so that you can lower your heart rate. Your body will consume less oxygen that way. By closing your eyes, feeling, and focusing on slowing your heart beat, it is possible to lower your heart rate significantly and increase the time you are able to hold your breath for. Concentrate on something that's relaxing to you. When you can't concentrate anymore, distract yourself by doing something with your hands, like counting to 99 with your fingers.
8. Exhale slowly. When you can't hold your breath anymore, try to avoid exhaling all the air in your lungs in a mad rush. First, exhale about 20% of your air, and then inhale again so that oxygen gets to your most critical areas faster. Then you can exhale and inhale completely.
9. Repeat these steps 3-4 times per session. It is not recommended to do this any more, as it could damage your lungs and body. Try one session in the morning and one session at night if you wish. Keep practicing and before you know it, you will be able to hold your breath for several minutes.
Extra tips:
* The urge to breathe is caused by a build up of carbon dioxide in your body, not a lack of oxygen.
* Try not to think about holding your breath. If you think about pleasant things, you're less aware of the breath reflex.
* Restrain yourself from swallowing when you start feeling fatigued. This will slow the increasing desire to surface.
* Never hold your breath underwater during ascent if using pressurized air (like a scuba tank). The expansion of the pressurized air during ascent could rupture your lungs.
* Never hyperventilate! Hyperventilation has many undesirable effects, one of the more dangerous being that it tricks your body into thinking that you have a lot more air than possible, making you pass out without any warning sign. If this happens while submerged and without a buddy, you will most likely die.
* If you feel pain in your chest, exhale, and breathe normally.
* Holding your breath underwater for long periods of time can be very dangerous. Never do it without a buddy!
B) Posing: Having no gravity can mean that one can take their poses to a whole new level. There is no "particular" way to pose underwater as we all have our own way of expressing ourselves. Though the following may help those who are new to the underwater world...
1. Having dance/acrobat background does help but it being able to hold a pose and buoyancy can be harder then it seems. The first thing to learn is how to make your self sink. Letting just enough air out of your lungs but being able to keep enough air that you wont be stuck at the bottom of the pool; you can easily injure yourself by knocking your head, elbows, knees and scraping your feet. The trick is to stay in the middle of the pool; this way you will have the space to do flips and turns without the injury.
2. Don’t stress out/panic! If you feel that you cannot hold a pose, take a break, catch some air and try again. Being uncomfortable in the water will easily show on your poses. Your hands would look tense and the muscles in your body (specially your neck) will pop out like a body builder who just pumped weights...
3. Holding a calm expression: This is honestly the hardest part. Thinking of something that makes you feel at ease or calm always helps. If you can open your eyes in water try not to focus so much on seeing clear, we are not made to see in water... lol... You can always pretend you are above water and just holding your breath, which may work too. But most of all, try not to hold air in your cheeks, squint your eyes or tighten/tense your mouth/lips.
4. Try not to splash around and move too fast in the water. It not only creates surface disturbance which can be a pain when doing reflection work (not to mention getting tired out after the first hour), it also causes your skin to get rippled by the force of the water... believe me, its funny to see the result of it but does nothing for your self confidence; you would look like a squashed prune...
5. Posing with others: This is way harder then doing work alone. If you decide to this then make sure you discuss or choreograph before hand so that you wont be accidentally kicking and hitting each other in the water. Finding a good underwater partner is rare but when you do find him/her you will be inseparable as a pair and your work can be more interesting and expressive.
C) Safety and side effects: The following are some of the most common safety issues, side effects, and problems when doing UW work…
1. Regulating ear pressure: From experience, this can be the most problematic if not done at all or not done properly. I have damaged both of my ears and now have problems hearing clearly, the good news is that your eardrums heal so hearing can and should return to near normal, if damaged. Ear aches are a regular side effect and can be excruciating when swimming... the last thing one needs is to get "swimmers ear" which can cause inner ear infections which in turn can make you very ill... be aware of this always. Even though you may not be a diver, it is important to know this as the same is used for underwater modeling as some pools can be more then 10 feet deep. Here are a few tips that divers use to help regulate ear pressure (taken from a dive site):
Ear Clearing Tips:
* To equalize the pressure in the ear, we pass air through the Eustachian tube into the middle ear. This makes the air pressure in the middle ear the same as the pressure of the water around you. The method used by most divers is the Valsalva maneuver. You can do this by blowing gently against pinched nostrils to equalize ear pressure with that of the water around you. Some divers will equalize by swallowing repeatedly or by moving their jaw side to side. The important thing is to find the method that works for you.
* Relax: Slow, even breathing patterns will help you relax. This also relaxes the muscles around the Eustachian tube and makes in much easier to clear your ears.
* Start to Equalize When You Begin Your Descent: As you make a slow, controlled feet first descent, start equalizing as soon as you feel your head go beneath the surface of the water. Then equalize every 3 feet/1 meter or so until you reach the bottom. Don’t wait until your ears start to hurt. Remember, qualize early and often.
* Ascend If You Can’t Equalize: If you have problems equalizing while you make your descent, ascend a few feet to relieve ear pressure slightly, and then try again. If after a few tries you still cannot get your ears to clear, you should call off the dive to avoid an ear injury.
* Advice from James Wiseman: "Here's a tip for getting water out of your ears and preventing outer ear infections (believe me, I've dove in some funky water - there is actually a GREAT dive site in the Philippines called "basura!")
After each shoot/dive, make up a mix of alcohol and vinegar and drop it into each ear. It will mix with whatever water is in there and the mix will help it flow out - and if it doesn't flow out, the alcohol will help it evaporate. The vinegar kills bacteria.
If you DO get an infection, there are Cipro ear drops that are AWESOME. I had to use it once after diving in Zanzibar..."
* Do Not Dive With a Sinus Problem or a Cold: Any kind of nasal congestion can cause blockages in your airway. This will prevent you from clearing your ears and sinus. These blockages are caused by sinus problems and colds. If you do attempt to dive with congestion, you can get a nasty reverse squeeze. This happens when the air spaces cannot clear when you ascend. Taking decongestants will not always work at depth and often wear off during the dive. This will also cause a reverse squeeze.
* Do not use ear plugs as it can cause your eardrums to rupture and may also get stuck in your ears. This is very dangerous and can cause you to go deaf.
* Do not regulate your ears if you have water in your nose. This too can cause great damage to the eardrum.
2. Your eyes in chlorinated water: This may not seem like much of an issue but it can cause some people to have an allergic reaction as well as those who have sensitive eyes. If swimming for longer then 4 hours in a well chlorinated pool you may find that your eyes are dry, swollen, bloodshot, itchy but most of all you will have blurred vision which I personally dislike (I once had blurred vision for 2 whole days). Simple steps can be taken to prevent this:
* Make sure the pool owner takes out the chlorine float 3 days before the shoot.
* Wash your eyes out with purified water for about 10 min if they are very sore.
* Use eye GEL (it feels wierd but works wonders) every half hour when in the pool to prevent your eyes from drying out. Eye drops are pretty much useless as they will wash away as soon as you put them in.
* I have heard that fish oil helps prevent the eyes from becoming bloodshot but am not sure if this is yet to be proven and would suggest doing some research before trying it out.
3. Water in your nose: I am sorry to say dearies, there is no way to prevent this from happening and its something we all have to just bare with when underwater. It may be painful but if you can handle it then you are a true sport. Many give up underwater work for this reason alone. You can always try blowing out the air when doing acrobats but that doesn't do much good for the image and the surface of the pool. There are no side effects that I know of from doing my own research but I have read that a very small amount of people may experience headaches (not yet been proven).
4. Dehydration: You may be thinking, "But I am in water the whole time, I don’t need to drink!". You have to always hydrate yourself, even if you think you’re not thirsty. Swimming, especially in the ocean can dehydrate you without your body even knowing it and you can overwork your body so much that you may become ill the next day. I love swimming cause its a full body workout that you don’t feel... so re-hydrate always!
5. Eating and swimming: There are no rules about what you can and cannot eat before a shoot. It really doesn't make much of a difference except having yourself a little more bloated then usual (which shouldn't be a problem since you always look slimmer due to the water pressure squeezing you). I would NEVER recommend swimming on a full stomach. There are two things that could and most probably would happen; 1. You will get major cramps and abdomen stitches and 2. You will sink, as there is hardly any air in your full stomach. Put these both together and that spells "possible casualty". Please, if you wish to eat a heavy meal, do so at least an hour before the underwater shoot. But, at the same time, it is important to keep up your energy level so take some trail bars or something light and have a little snack every hour or so.
I know its a lot to take in, I hope all of you find this section helpful. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask, its always important to know before you get your feet wet
Marine world,
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Underwater modeling and fashion shootout
I've started my underwater photography about 8 years back with a Nikonos V and a 35mm standard lens for the cam with a single Nikonos SB101 strobe. The sets were loan to me by my Scuba Instructor, Anuar Abdullah.
It was bit hard for normal camera user to handle Nikonos V underwater as it demand apature, shutter and distance to be measure manually although the camera gave you choices of auto and manual exposure.
As time evolved and did the photography world with its digital era, I still using the Nikonos V and already using a 28mm lens that gave me a bit of free angle while underwater.
So everything was history as I only focusing to captured all those beautiful marine life around Malaysia (The only place I went outside of Malaysia was, Sunshine Coast at Brisbane, OZ).
For me, to do the same thing for years get me bored so I started to find new thing to do while underwater. And the best thing is to do underwater modeling and fashion.
Out of a sudden, after looking at Tarachin Vt's underwater model works, I'm into the scenes. I don't have any particular underwater photographer idol becoz for me its the model who gave a wonderfull post and we as the water photog just captured what ever they present to us. So for me, they are doing the art for
It was bit hard for normal camera user to handle Nikonos V underwater as it demand apature, shutter and distance to be measure manually although the camera gave you choices of auto and manual exposure.
As time evolved and did the photography world with its digital era, I still using the Nikonos V and already using a 28mm lens that gave me a bit of free angle while underwater.
So everything was history as I only focusing to captured all those beautiful marine life around Malaysia (The only place I went outside of Malaysia was, Sunshine Coast at Brisbane, OZ).
For me, to do the same thing for years get me bored so I started to find new thing to do while underwater. And the best thing is to do underwater modeling and fashion.
Out of a sudden, after looking at Tarachin Vt's underwater model works, I'm into the scenes. I don't have any particular underwater photographer idol becoz for me its the model who gave a wonderfull post and we as the water photog just captured what ever they present to us. So for me, they are doing the art for
After looking, searching and asking around, finally, I got a chance to have an underwater photo shoot with groups of Unisel's Industrial Photography students, particularly DP02 and bit of DP01.
With Elaine Tam, I got to know Felicia Zoe from her and she bring along Vicky Lee as the model (who never had a chance to do an underwater pose).
Its a bit hard for the model and the photogs as both new to underwater but finaly, the result were amazing.
After looking, searching and asking around, finally, I got a chance to have an underwater photo shoot with groups of Unisel's Industrial Photography students, particularly DP02 and bit of DP01.
With Elaine Tam, I got to know Felicia Zoe from her and she bring along Vicky Lee as the model (who never had a chance to do an underwater pose).
Its a bit hard for the model and the photogs as both new to underwater but finaly, the result were amazing.
1. Nikon D100 - Aquatica D100
2. Nikon P5100 - Ikelite
3. Panasonic Lumix LX3 -Nautilus
4. Olympus SP350 - Ikelite
Marine world,
Thursday, November 5, 2009
After 5 months now its E-P2
Additional 2 art filter diorama and cross process, Electronic View Finder (EVF) - bundled together and optional external stereo mic.
E-P2 will be on the shelf parallel with E-P1.
Up to today, Olympus mouth shut whether they will phased out E-P1 or slowing down the production.
Still, they can't resolve the slow focusing and internal flash that Panasonic GF-1 (which is smaller) have.
Also two new lenses for micro 4/3 are introduce which is smaller than other 4/3 lenses including the Panasonic lenses.
As usual, will be doing the hands on review if I got to use the camera.
As for now, I think u guys have the answer.
Price, see last pix.
As for underwater photogs, sorry to say, they will not built any underwater housing nor collaborate with any housing makers for the pen series.
But next year Olympus will introduce two micro 4/3 camera together with the underwater housing.
Although they don't want to revealed either its a PEN or E conventional series, the two camera will be categorised as low end. So meaning cheap?
Up for you to guess. :)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
E-P2 will be on the shelf parallel with E-P1.
Up to today, Olympus mouth shut whether they will phased out E-P1 or slowing down the production.
Still, they can't resolve the slow focusing and internal flash that Panasonic GF-1 (which is smaller) have.
Also two new lenses for micro 4/3 are introduce which is smaller than other 4/3 lenses including the Panasonic lenses.
As usual, will be doing the hands on review if I got to use the camera.
As for now, I think u guys have the answer.
Price, see last pix.
As for underwater photogs, sorry to say, they will not built any underwater housing nor collaborate with any housing makers for the pen series.
But next year Olympus will introduce two micro 4/3 camera together with the underwater housing.
Although they don't want to revealed either its a PEN or E conventional series, the two camera will be categorised as low end. So meaning cheap?
Up for you to guess. :)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya
Kata Al-Ghazali "yang jauh itu WAKTU, yang dekat itu MATI, yang besar itu NAFSU, yang berat itu AMANAH, yang mudah itu BERBUAT DOSA, yang panjang itu AMAL SOLEH & yang indah itu SALING MEMAAFKAN." Salam Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Latest intelligent DSLR hibrid - Panasonic GF-1
Got a hands on just now. Not yet a review. Initially, looks good, fast focusing and reliable.
So, how? Can I burn RM3,299 (Kit lens 14-45 f3.5)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
So, how? Can I burn RM3,299 (Kit lens 14-45 f3.5)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Lumix DMC-GF1 released!
(Release by DPReview) Pre-IFA 2009: Panasonic has introduced what it bills as 'the world's smallest and lightest digital interchangeable lens system camera with a built-in flash' in the shape of Lumix DMC-GF1. Sporting a new 'artistic flat' body design similar to that of the recently released Olympus E-P1, the GF1 is 35% smaller than earlier G models. Headline features include the same 12.1Mp sensor as the DMC-G1, 1280 x 720 HD recording in AVCHD Lite format, an optional hot-shoe mounted electronic viewfinder, and a 3 inch LCD with 460k dots.
More here

Picture courtesy from Digital Photography Review
Local hands on review will be on the blog when I got the cam la.... can't wait for the underwater housing....
More here

Picture courtesy from Digital Photography Review
Local hands on review will be on the blog when I got the cam la.... can't wait for the underwater housing....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
World smallest DSLR in the market
Smallest, lightest, compact, less 500gram from E420, max ISO 6400, 12.3in live mos sensor and true pic V, hd movie with focusing, zooming and 16 bit linear sound, photo with stereo sound, 5fps etc.
Price with kit lens 14-42mm f2.8 RM2,999 available in July.
Full review coming soon when I got the sets.
As for now, I'm impressed.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Price with kit lens 14-42mm f2.8 RM2,999 available in July.
Full review coming soon when I got the sets.
As for now, I'm impressed.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Viva Barcelona!
The matador rules! Ole Eto'o, Messi
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Takziah, Rest in peace Apai

Agak terkejut ketika sedang membelek Fotostation mencari-cari gambar untuk disumbat ke dalam album akhbar keluaran esok, aku melihat foto MyKad.
Samar-samar aku rasa aku kenal kad berkenaan.
Di fikiran, ada satu saja kejadian jika MyKad berada di dalam Fotostation iaitu MATI.
Setelah dibesarkan memang telaah aku menjadi kenyataan kerana terpampang pada MyKad berkenaan nama RAPA'EE BIN KAWI.
Sudah lama aku tidak berborak dengan Apai (nama panggilan rakan2) sejak aku berhijrah keluar dari Berita Harian lebih sembilan tahun yang lalu.
Aku masih lagi ingat ketika itu Apai (Rapa'ee Kawi), Zorro (Zulkepli Osman) dan aku, tiga orang melangkah masuk ke pejabat Berita Harian pada Mac tahun 1991. Hanya kami bertiga untuk batch tu.
Apai yang baru pencen daripada askar penuh dengan pengalaman manakala Zorro merupakan jurukamera TV3 yang juga sarat dengan pengalaman.
Aku, ketika itu hanya menunggu keputusan Diploma Fotografi ITM dan mungkin aku bernasib baik terpilih berkerja di BH.
Apai yang aku kenali seorang yang periang dan tak pernah nak menyakitkan hati orang.
Tanya saja sesiapa, pasti itu juga yang akan mereka ungkapkan.
Malah si Apai ni suka sangat menolong orang sehinggakan ada yang tak menyukai keramahan Apai sebab dia tak boleh diam.
Ada saja benda nak dicakapkan.
Pada aku, dah memang dia gitu nak buat macam mana.
Satu perkara yang aku ingat sampai sekarang, Apai kena marah dengan Lee Hon Yew (Ketua Foto BH ketika itu) sebab kaki terseliuh dan tak boleh buat kerja.
Sebabnya ialah si Apai ni sibuk nak mencuba latihan payung terjun di Melaka (jika aku tidak silap).
Dia ditugaskan membuat liputan tetapi sebab gian kerana sudah lama tidak terjun, maka Apai pun terjunlah. Dia merupakan askar Rejimen Renjer Diraja.
Tapi dia lupa, masa di di dalam service dulu, badannya masih ramping dan kurang lemak, berbanding semasa dia berkerja di BH, dengan lemak dan kurang senaman itulah dia terjun dan akibatkan semasa landing, berat berlebihan itu menyebabkan kakinya terseliuh.
Selain itu, Apai yang merupakan seorang
Manakan tidak, pada IC tertulis bin di tengah-tengah namanya.
Kata Apai, itu kesilapan masa register nama dia kat pendaftaran, jadi sampai sekarang bin itu ada pada MyKad mendiang.
Menurut rakan wartawan di Kuching, Sopi Somaile, Apai rebah ketika melakukan pemeriksaan di sebuah poliklinik dan doktor mengatakan tekanan darah Apai terlalu rendah.
Apapun, aku mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga Apai yang berada di Kuching dan Mukah.
Setahu aku dia ada empat orang anak. Harap-harap rakan-rakan di Kuching dapat membantu serba sedikit kesusahan yang dihadapi keluarga mendiang.
R.I.P Apai. 1958-2009
New Fantase Line products

The summer season is knocking on the door and Fantasea Line is very happy to make available to you some outstanding new products.
The Remora Flash unit and the Big Eye Lenses are perfect lighting and optic accessories for almost all compact digital housings!! Designed to integrate with Canon, Olympus, Fuji, Casio, Sony, and most all other housings, making Fantasea’s Accessory line as “Universal” as any available today.
The new Fantasea Remora Flash features four different pre-flash settings, to cover the needs of all compact digital cameras in the market, including Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus, Fuji, Kodak, Panasonic and more.
It features a guide number of 20, and therefore is compatible for both macro and wide angle shots.
The power output can be manually adjusted to provide the most accurate amount of light in all conditions and a short recycle time ensures quick responsiveness even when using the maximum power output.
The Fantasea Remora Flash also features a built-in Y-S Mount for attaching a focus light on top of the flash, sparing the need for an additional arm.
Among the features and specifications of the upcoming Fantasea Remora Flash:
- Adjustable power output (10%-100%)
- 4 pre-flash settings
- Powerful 4.2 W-second flash-tube
- Guide Number 20 (ISO 100 in air)
- Flash diffuser included
- Uses 4 x AA batteries (alkaline or rechargeable)
- Approx. 240 flashes per set of batteries
- Quick recycle time
- Slave sensor Attachment for fiber optic cable*
- Beam angle 80 degress horizontal
- Color temperature 5400K
- Y-S Mount for focus light*
- Depth rated to 55m/180 feet

Patented Wide Angle Lens with a 67mm thread, which fits over the housing's port and can be installed and removed during the course of the dive.
Perfect for shooting seascape, divers, ship wrecks and schools of fish, without moving further away from the subject, thereby still taking full advantage of water clarity and artificial light sources.
Can be mounted on 67mm threaded lens ports or other lens ports by using an adapter.
- Features a 67mm thread
- Depth rated to 60m/200 feet
- Magnification and angle of coverage vary according to camera lens
- Lens material: Optical glass, hard coated plastic and anodized aluminum
- Weight: 503g
- Dimensions: 157x57mm
- Box includes: Neoprene lens cover, secure line, warranty and instruction manual

FML-01 Macro Lens is an accessory macro lens which fits over the housing's port and can be installed and removed during the course of the dive.
Compatible with:
- Compact Digital Housings (all but FS-5, FS-6 FS-9 and FS-51 Housings).
- Adaptor (#4095) required for the CP-5 and CP-7 Housings.
- Adaptor (#4096) required for the CP-3, CP-3N, CP-4, CP-6, FL-3, FL-4, FL-6, FP-1 and FP-4 Housings.
- Can be mounted directly on top of all other Fantasea Nikon Coolpix housings lens ports (all but the FS-5, FS-6, FS-51 and FS-9 Housings).
- Almost all Olympus housings
- Other housings with a 46mm or 55mm threaded lens port.
- Lens construction: Single Aspherical element.
- Working Media: Water
- Focal length: 333mm (Underwater)
- Mounting: M55 Thread Mount
- Lens Coating: Hard Coating
- Barrel Material: Aluminum with Black Anodize
- Weight: 26g
- Dimensions: D60 x 10mm
- Includes M46 to M55 Step-up Ring
- Weight: 0.1 kg
Please make sure these great new Fantasea products have been integrated into your system. Wait for the CHEAP prices announcement.
Mail me for early orders.
Monday, May 4, 2009
AD17 TTT future developments
After more than 10 years of lost contact the get together (ya only 6 of us) brighten up various issues pertaining the alumni of AD17 (Dip. In Photography ITM). More to come and we hope to hv positive feed back from others too.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Blogging test from the BB
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Kabinet Baru 2009
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon
Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz
Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop
Mejar General Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom
Datuk Liew Vui Keong
Senator Datuk Dr. Mashitah Ibrahim
Datuk S. K. Devamany
Ahmad Maslan
Senator T. Murugiah
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Datuk Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah (Menteri ll)
Senator Dr. Awang Adek Hussein
Datuk Chor Chee Heong
Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Datuk Dr. Abdul Latif Ahmad
Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein
Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop
Jelaing anak Mersat
Datuk Kong Cho Ha
Datuk Lajim Ukin
Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor
Yong Khoon Seng
Datuk Mustapa Mohamed
Mukhriz Mahathir
Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan
Datuk Anifah Aman
Senator A. Kohilan Pillay
Datuk Lee Chee Leong
Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim
Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum
Senator Heng Seai Kie
Datuk Dr. S. Subramaniam
Senator Datuk Maznah Mazlan
Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek
Datuk Razali Ibrahim
Wee Jeck Seng
Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob
Datuk Tan Lian Hoe
Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui
Noriah Kasnon
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
Dr. Puad Zarkashi
Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong
Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin
Datuk Dr. Hou Kok Chung
Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah
Datuk Douglas Unggah Embas
Tan Sri Joseph Kurup
Datuk Noh Omar
Datuk Johari Baharum
Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim
Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat
Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri
Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew
Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili
Fadillah Yusof
Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen
Datuk Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abdul Taib
Senator Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil
Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
Datuk Seri Mohd. Shafie Apdal
Datuk Hassan Malek
Datuk Joseph Entulu anak Belaun
Tan Sri Bernard Dompok
Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin
Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai
Datuk Rosnah Rashid Shirlin
Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin
Datuk M. Saravanan
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon
Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz
Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop
Mejar General Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom
Datuk Liew Vui Keong
Senator Datuk Dr. Mashitah Ibrahim
Datuk S. K. Devamany
Ahmad Maslan
Senator T. Murugiah
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Datuk Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah (Menteri ll)
Senator Dr. Awang Adek Hussein
Datuk Chor Chee Heong
Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Datuk Dr. Abdul Latif Ahmad
Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein
Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop
Jelaing anak Mersat
Datuk Kong Cho Ha
Datuk Lajim Ukin
Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor
Yong Khoon Seng
Datuk Mustapa Mohamed
Mukhriz Mahathir
Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan
Datuk Anifah Aman
Senator A. Kohilan Pillay
Datuk Lee Chee Leong
Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim
Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum
Senator Heng Seai Kie
Datuk Dr. S. Subramaniam
Senator Datuk Maznah Mazlan
Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek
Datuk Razali Ibrahim
Wee Jeck Seng
Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob
Datuk Tan Lian Hoe
Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui
Noriah Kasnon
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
Dr. Puad Zarkashi
Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong
Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin
Datuk Dr. Hou Kok Chung
Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah
Datuk Douglas Unggah Embas
Tan Sri Joseph Kurup
Datuk Noh Omar
Datuk Johari Baharum
Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim
Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat
Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri
Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew
Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili
Fadillah Yusof
Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen
Datuk Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abdul Taib
Senator Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil
Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
Datuk Seri Mohd. Shafie Apdal
Datuk Hassan Malek
Datuk Joseph Entulu anak Belaun
Tan Sri Bernard Dompok
Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin
Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai
Datuk Rosnah Rashid Shirlin
Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin
Datuk M. Saravanan
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Hooliganism semakin jadi pilihan penyokong fanatik

NAMPAKNYA, Hooliganism semakin menular dalam arena bola sepak negara ini sehinggakan ia dilihat semakin parah dan tidak terkawal.
Hanya disebabkan kalah kepada pasukan pelawat, penyokong fanatik meletakkan undang-undang di tangan sendiri sehinggakan trak polis dibakar dan yang lebih mengecewakan, ramai yang menyaksikan keadaan itu tidak melakukan apa-apa malah ada yang mengambil kesempatan turut sama ‘memeriahkan’ suasana membakar, memecahkan cermin dan merosakkan harta awam.
mereka itu satu kerja yang seronok dan ketika itu, ia seolah-olah satu pesta. Kejadian buruk di luar Stadium Sultan Muhammed IV kelmarin didakwa Kelab Penyokong Siber Bola Sepak Kelantan terjadi akibat perasaan tidak puas hati penyokong bola sepak negeri itu terhadap tindakan penguatkuasaan yang dilakukan oleh polis selepas insiden yang hampir sama terjadi di dalam stadium.
Masalahnya di sini, penyokong fanatik sesebuah pasukan itu dilihat semakin tidak terkawal. Sama ada polis mengawal atau tidak, mereka berada dalam dunia mereka sendiri. Bagi penulis, polis tidak akan melakukan tindakan secara membuta tuli dan mereka akan bertindak jika melihat keadaan semakin tidak terkawal.
Adakah jika penonton sudah mula membaling objek ke dalam padang sehingga memerlukan pemain dibawa keluar dengan bantuan Unit Simpanan Persekutuan (FRU), pihak polis perlu mendiamkan diri dan hanya melihat sahaja apa yang berlaku.
Ini masalahnya di sini, jika ia satu yang buruk, semua akan menunding jari antara satu sama lain. Penulis pasti hari ini, banyak tulisan di akhbar, blog dan forum akan memperkatakan tentang hal ini dan banyak persatuan penyokong pasukan Wira Merah itu akan menafikan ahli-ahli mereka terlibat.
Tapi yang pasti, kejadian itu berlaku di Kelantan. Tidak seperti Hooliganism yang berlaku di London, yang menyaksikan sesiapa sahaja akan merusuh tidak kira daripada mana mereka datang, kejadian di Kota Bharu itu pastinya dilakukan rakyat negeri itu sendiri.
Dan bagi penulis, Halim Napi tidak perlu dikaitkan dengan kejadian merusuh itu kerana dia pemain yang beraksi di padang dan dia berada dalam tekanan ketika marah. Siapa yang tidak kenal Halim, bekas penjaga gol veteran kebangsaan dan penternak lembu yang sering ‘menggelegak’ semasa beraksi.
Namun panas-panas Halim itu, hanyalah di atas padang dan pastinya akan surut selepas perlawanan berakhir. Jika dia bertindak luar kawalan dan melakukan kekasaran, dia akan dihukum. Tidak kira oleh Persatuan Bola Sepak Kelantan (KAFA) atau Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM).
Tetapi tidak pula bagi penyokong yang terus-terusan menggelegak sehinggakan mengambil keputusan untuk ‘mengganas’. Ini bakal memberikan implikasi buruk kepada KAFA yang kini menerima hukuman awal pertama bermain di padang berkecuali. Selepas ini tidak siapa yang tahu padah yang bakal diterima oleh KAFA daripada FAM Mungkin tindakan perlawanan di stadium kosong tanpa penyokong dalam tempoh tertentu? Dan jika itu berlaku, hasrat Kelantan yang dinaikkan taraf beraksi pada perlawanan Liga Super daripada Liga Perdana musim ini bakal hambar ekoran ketiadaan penonton di Stadium Sultan Muhammed IV.
Adakah ini yang dimahukan oleh penyokong fanatik Kelantan? Adakah ini akan memuaskan hati mereka yang telah membakar trak polis malam kelmarin? Jika jawapannya ya, penulis dapat rasakan, skuad Wira Merah yang sedang mencuba untuk mengembalikan martabat sebagai salah satu pasukan ternama bakal terkubur.
Selama, Presiden KAFA, Tan Sri Annuar Musa merayu: ‘‘Kalau sayangkan pasukan dan negeri, ambil tanggungjawab dengan tidak melakukan sesuatu yang menjejaskan.”
Namun adakah penyokong fanatik di luar sana akan menurut rayuan itu atau mereka tetap dengan prinsip mereka sendiri?
Apapun jawapannya, jangan sampai ofsaid dah la.
Makawidey Dive Resort already Rockin'

At last after all the preparation, secrecy and termination of the 32 workers, Makawidey Resort own by Nazir, a Malaysian is now OPEN!
Catch the details here
Congratulations bro...
For those who interested look at Tenggara customized package:
Diving with Makawidey Dive Resort, Lembeh Straits, Manado
Duration: 6 days 5 nights (Following AirAsia available flights)
Date: 6-11 Disember 2009
Cost: RM1,851 (Air), RM2,002 (Nitrox)
Dives: 11 dives + 2 mandarin dives + unlimited house reef unguided dive (one day free to do this)
Package includes: Round trip airport transfer, twin sharing with fan and common bath, 3 meals, unlimited hot and cold beverages, dive boats, dive guides, tanks, weights and a friendly smile from the crew.
Excludes: Flights, soft drinks, alcohol drinks and cewek for pijats.
To achieves the price, 10 confirm divers is a must.
Suggested itinerary:
6- Arriving 2 dives
7- 3 dives + 1 mandarin dive
8- free house reef unguided - 3 or more dives
9- 3 dives + 1 mandarin dive
10- 3 dives
11- depart
Air Asia are selling RM396.00 if you book now with 15kg check in baggage and no reserved seat.
Book your seat now!
Marine world,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Makawidey Resort - Coming Soon - By Malaysian for The World in Indonesia... ok what

One more dive resort will be opened this month. The best about it is, the owner, Nazir, my friend is from Malaysia and one of the most upcoming young Malaysian profesional underwater photographer, I mean profesional.
He does thing differently and he took to a next level for his love in marine species, mostly critters and he choose the best area in the world to open up a dive centre.
Known as Makawidey Resort - Makawidey Point, a superb critters location in Manado - will be opened soon.
Makawidey is about 30km from Manado. I've never been to Manado to dive before but have been there to fish. Ya hook up a 50kg yellowfin and saw how a 200kg blue marlin were tag and release.
Anyway, would love to have a touch at Makawidey Point with my ol' Nikon D100.
The only place I've dove outside of Malaysia is only at Sunshine Coast (HMS Brisbane). Nazir, please make my day... :)
Catch the progress here
Marine world,
Shutterbugs and photography nerds - BEWARE!!!

The Digital Camera, Imaging and Media Show 2009 (DCIM Show 2009) aims to bring together the various components that make up the photography and imaging industry in Malaysia i.e. manufacturers, vendors, retailers, labs and more importantly, the hobbyists and professionals.
Organised by Velocity Media Sdn Bhd (Velocity Media), publisher of Malaysia’s premier digital photography magazine – Digital Camera Magazine – the event will showcase the latest innovations and products in the world of photography. Velocity Media also publishes the top lifestyle-gadget magazine T3 Malaysia, the foremost gaming magazine PC Gamer Malaysia and the authoritative IT magazine Max IT.
DCIM Show 2009 will cover the entire spectrum of photography and its related gears and applications – Digital SLR cameras, lenses, camera kits and equipments, software, output i.e. printing solutions and other photography and imaging-related products and services.
Timed and planned to run right after one of the world’s most highly anticipated photography event, Photo Marketing Association International (PMA), DCIM Show 2009 will enable Malaysians to view, experience and purchase the latest devices and innovations in digital photography and imaging of 2009!
A series of seminars and workshops featuring some of the most well-known and respected photography experts are also penned in to benefit hobbyists and amateurs in the field of photography.
On top of that, the Velocity Angel Search (fashion and lifestyle modelling competition) will also be held to add glitz and glamour to the event.
The main objective of DCIM Show is to be recognised as the foremost photography and imaging event in the region, placing Malaysia in the world map of photography.
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